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There are many paths one can take at Sliver Lake while on his journey to understanding one’s self.  There is the path of the Storia Mastio (History Keeper/Wisemen),  there are , Lode Acqua (Water Elementals), Lode Terra (Earth Elementals), Lode Aria (Air Elementals), Lode Fuoco (Fire Elementals)

Storia Mastio

History Keeper/Wisemen

Storia Mastio (History Keeper/Wisemen)

    Il Portiere - The Keeper (Leader)

    Bibliotecario - Librarian (Wisemen)

    Apprendista - Apprentice (Student)


There are keepers of  the secrets in Argento Lago.  They  are those whose souls  know the town's origins.  Their conscious mind may not always be aware of their subconscious knowledge, but when the moment and situation has aligned itself, then their knowledge can be accessed.   




Lode Acqua

Water Elementals

Mana dell'acqua - Hand of Water (Leader)

Anima Acqua - Follower


Are said to have been descended from Mers, a race of creatures who are  half man and half fish.  Lode Acqua have a natural affinity for the water, and are drawn to large bodies of water. 



Lode Terra

Earth Elementals

Mana dell'terra - Hand of Earth (Leader)

Anima Terra - Follower


Earth elementals are wise in their own right.  They are providers by nature, and seek to provide for their loved ones.  They are doers, and wish to put action to words sooner than later.

Lode Aria

Air Elementals

Mana dell'aria - Hand of Air (Leader)

Anima Aria - Follower


Are convergent thinker, a thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution.

They can communicate with all, and have a great need to express themselves. They are alert, curious and have a great need to analyze all situations. They are objective,cooperative and really want to see a better world,

Lode Fuoco

Fire Elementals

Mana dell'fuoco - Hand of Fire (Leader)

Anima Fuoco - Follower


The keepers of the flame are a curious breed.  They are self determined, passionate people who put everything into what they do.  Fire is quick to become hot, meaning quick to fight. 

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